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Volvo C70 Sensor Issue For Remote Access to Boot That Lifts Roof Partially

Volvo C70 Sensor Issue For Remote Access to Boot That Lifts Roof Partially?

Volvo C70 drivers who remotely access their vehicle with a key fob will need to install a new sensor in the car’s roof to avoid potential damage and injury due to the frequent failure of the lid, which is caused by a design flaw with the original sensor.

The article is about the Volvos C70 and its failing sensors, and Volvo is replacing them with a better sensor model. The sensors are for the headlights. Volvo has not seen a similar problem with any other part of this car.

Volvo C70 Sensor Issue For Remote Access
Volvo C70 Sensor Issue For Remote Access

What will happen if Volvo C70 drivers do not install a new sensor on the roof of the car?

Volvo C70 drivers beware. If you fail to install a new sensor on the roof of your car, you could be fined up to $85 in Sweden. The main problem with the lack of a sensor in the vehicle is that Volvo will not know when to use the car’s headlights.

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Why does the sensor in the roof of the car Volvo C70 need to be installed?

In the year 1978, Volvo came up with a new idea of having a sensor that would be put into the car’s roof. If you own a Volvo C70, you’ll have to replace your sensor every ten years. The sensor is needed to have a perfectly accurate measurement of the car’s weight. Without a weight sensor, the airbag light goes off, and the side airbags might not inflate as they should.

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